Saturday, February 21, 2009

Did You See The Junk Drawer?

I came to the conclusion today I can no longer handle having jobs half done in our home. Since I cleaned out the laundry room this week I wanted to finish by cleaning out the junk drawer. So I spent a good hour cleaning it out and yes organizing it. I am very obsessive about being organized. Everything has a place in my home. So after completing this project I felt pretty good about our laundry room. About an hour later Darren and I were in the kitchen and I said, "Did you see the junk drawer?" His answer was "Did you see I took the trash out?" My answer: "Touche." Even though we complete these little projects and feel good about tackling them. They usually are thankless and go unnoticed. So here's to all you junk drawer people! May we continue in our little thankless, yet needed organizing of our homes. \"/


Jeremy Price said...

I love it!!! We just refer to ours as "the drawer" and everyone in the family knows what we are talking about.

Crystal said...

That is so funny...totally just cleaned out my junk drawer and it went very similar when I asked Dan. LOL! I am just happy everytime I open and see not a lot of JUNK! Just because it is a junk drawer does not mean it has to look like JUNK!

Benedict said...

Hey! I have a Junk Drawer! But, I don't know if I can part with it! But, anytime you're in the mood to organize, you are welcome to come on over and go to town anywhere in my home!;)

Ruth and Chuck said...

Oh my gosh, I cannot conquer the junk drawer. We often try to organize it, but if we take stuff out of it, where will we put it?

Sabra said...

you and me both. Can we say OCD! I love having things clean and organized. I must say it is not always that way with kids and has become even harder since I am working. Hope you are well. Take care.