Thursday, April 22, 2010

Remembering Uncle Lou

The Kelly Family Naomi, Cassidy, Jaden, and Sophia
Allie, Katie, Melissa, Danny, and Kathy Drago
Naomi, Sis, Cassidy, and Dave
Marie and Al Drago
Malachi and Grandpa Steve
Darren, Liberty, Samuel, and Sina
Drago kids and cousins. (Naomi is in undies due to her falling into the pool)
After Uncle Lou's funeral and luncheon the family went back to his place and watched a great video of picts of his life. We'll miss you uncle Lou!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Very Unmerry Unbirthday!

Being pregnant this was my first weird craving for this pregnancy. Usually it's corn on the cob. But today I woke up after a nice Sunday nap wanting cake. So I went downstairs and started making cake. Then the song from Alice in Wonderland came to mind. "A very unmerry unbirthday". So I pulled out the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland and put it in for my kids to watch while the cake cooked. As we watched the movie I realized why they had not seen it before or for many years. It's just plain weird. They didn't like it and in Cassidy's words "I don't like those 2 boys." (speaking about Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee) After the cake was done we frosted it got out a candle and sang A very unmerry unbirthday to all of us and had our cake and ate it too. The kids liked that part. The singing I mean, my kids don't really like to eat cake, but they had some.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We're Having A....

Yes another Girl! We couldn't be happier. Truthfully the boys were routing for a boy, but with how cute our girls are we are thrilled! Yet another head of hair to tearfully brush though the curls!