I grew up on Dr. Seuss and loved it. My mom would read the books to us all the time so I have fond memories when I see all the Seuss movies coming out or when the kids celebrate Dr. Seuss week in school. One of my favorite Dr. Seuss books is: Horton hatches an egg. So when Horton hears a who came out I loved it, being he is one of my favorite Seuss characters. It may have to do with the fact that elephants are my favorite animals too "who" knows? Well the kids got the movie for Christmas and are loving it. We keep it in the van so when we drive the freeways they get to watch it, which lately seems often. We even bought Naomi the Horton hears a who game as seen above. She loves that too. Well I have to say as much as we love the movie it always makes me cringe when they name call in children's movies. Examples "The mayor is being a moron", "The mayor is an idiot", "You boob". I think we get the picture. Well I really got the picture when Malachi came downstairs one night after I put the kids to bed. They were talking and started arguing over something. Sure enough Malachi says, "Naomi called me a boob." I settled the situation and made sure they knew not to name call. I did however go downstairs and had a good laugh over it. Out of all name calling names that is the one she picked up on. Well I thought the name calling was over til Darren came home yesterday from taking the kids to the park. He told Malachi to come and tell me what he called his sister. Malachi softly says "a moron". I then realized that even though the kids don't hear us say these things they pick up on everything. I really wish movies would not put name calling in cartoons where kids find it ok to use. Maybe I shelter my kids a little, but let them be little as long as we can!
I am with you!! I am sure once my girls start school they will learn more then necessary in that dept. I also love Dr. Seuss and Horton was a cute movie.
Um, yeah! We watch Cars 14 times a week. Have a nice little chat with Dillan about that show. He ONLY recites the lines where there is a name being called. AHHHHHHH!!!
Oh and Dr. Seuss is the cheese to my macaroni! Love it!
Your so funny Sarah! I totally agree. It seems cartoons these days are not as innocent and 'BAMBI' like as they use to be.
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