Malachi holding Liberty at the hospital.
What a long haul that was. The pregnancy actually seemed to go pretty fast. It was the delivery that seemed never ending. I was scheduled to go in for an induction Sunday the 28th at 7pm. Well wouldn't you know there were a lot of women going into labor that day. (They all probably wanted their tax write off too) So they pushed me back a day. I called twice on the 29th and they said they were over full and there was no way I was going to come in that day. So they told me to call back the morning of the 30th and I should get in. I called that morning and they said to call back in a few hours. I had played the game, but now was becoming pretty anxious. I finally got a call from them that they had a bed for me. I told them I was on my way. I got in there a little after noon. At 1:30pm they started the potosin. They say that by your 4th child you should be able to sneeze and the kid would come out. So I assumed that evening I would have her. Never assume anything. I was not progressing very fast and the baby was still really high up. The doctor came in at 9pm to see if he could break my water. I was only at a 3 1/2 at this point. When he checked he said the baby was too high up. He feared if he broke my water the baby's cord would drop before the baby and I would end up in an emergency c-section. So he said we'd see how things went through the night and he had the nurse call him every 3 hours for an update. At midnight I was at a 4 1/2 and that was the last I progressed to 6:30am. So she called the doctor and he said he would come in and check me. He told me we may want to go over some other options that we spoke of the night before. Which meant a c-section. I used to be so afraid of this scenario. Going through a long labor only to end up in a c-section, but for some reason I was almost ready for the c-section. I think I just knew that's what had to be. I was disappointed that I would have to stay another 4 days in the hospital. Darren would be back at work when I got to go home. But you do what you have to do. Well my doctor came in at 7:30 and I was almost ready to tell him go prep and let's get this done. He checked me and said I was at a 7 1/2. He broke my water and seemed optimistic. I was shocked. Here I hadn't progressed all evening and with in an hour I was 3 cm further along. Well 2 hours later I was ready to push. My nurse had me do one push and realized I was ready to deliver. She called my doctor whose office was across the street from Palomar Hospital. He said to give him 5 minutes and he'd be there. I looked at her like she was crazy when she told me that. You can't stop a bullet after you pull the trigger. So here I am trying to no push waiting for my doctor. Let me tell you. Even though I had an epidural. That was excruciating trying not to push. I held her 10 minutes and said forget it. I warned the nurse I'm pushing, I can't hold her any longer. A few minutes later Liberty was delivered by my nurse. 3 minutes after that in walks my doctor "I'm here!" I said "Yeah and so it the baby." He was shocked. He said he would have ran if he knew she was coming that fast. I was so disappointed that he didn't deliver my baby, but she was fine and we felt blessed it worked out the way it did. He did help deliver my placenta, but we didn't name it and weren't going to keep that either. She was as they called it "sunny side up" when I delivered her so that made the pushing more uncomfortable and may be why it was hard to get her to drop? She was born on Wednesday December 31st at 10:12 am weighed 7 lbs 7 ozs and was 20 1/2 inches long. Her full name is Liberty Jean Drago. Liberty is a name we found in our genealogy from the very early 1800's. All our kids have 3 syllables in their name so that worked great. We'll call her Libby for short. Jean is my middle name and my grandmothers name. All our children have a grandparents name for their middle names. So she's a new years eve baby. I'm actually really excited about her b-day what a fun way to celebrate her birthday every year. She'll get a big party every year on her b-day. It's the best I could do with a December birthday. Plus she made it for the tax write off! She was so calm and alert when she was born. She just laid there and looked at us. It never ceases to amaze me the miracle of child birth. It truly is a miracle. She is healthy and so perfect. We are blessed!!!
Oh Sarah !!! I am so delighted for you !!! I would love to come meet her! What a blessing !!! Love you !
Congratulations! We are happy for your family and can't wait to meet Liberty.
Congratulations! She's beautiful, and I love her name!
Congratulations you guys! She's beautiful! Nice work!
Congrats! And also for Darren's job! No more commuting! Happy 2009
Oh, Sarah! I kept thinking about you on Sunday and can't believe you had to wait for as long as you did. So glad little Liberty is finally here and I am guessing that you are feeling a little "liberty" as well :). She is beautiful...congrats!
So cute Sarah! Sounds like you had a long haul! Happy to know everyone is well, and a happy (not to mention cute)
She is so beautiful. Hopefully we will get to meet her soon. Congrats! love The Tollefson's
Yeah Sarah!! Finally!! And that's so great that she doesn't have to have a Christmas B-day!! She is Beautiful!! Congrats!!
Congratulations! How exciting. We are in Utah now. I will come by and see you when we get back. Take Care.
Congratulations, she's beautiful! We're so excited for your family! What a crazy delivery! We're glad you and baby are doing so well.
Congratulations to a beautiful addition to your family. We love and miss you!
Congratulations!! Happy to hear that things worked out. It's great to see pics and hear about the kids.
Hope to see you in the summer.
Gosh, I just cried while reading your post. She is just beautiful. I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see her. Only you would have already posted. Hope your getting some sleep.
Congratulation on beautiful baby Liberty. We're so happy for your family! It's been to long since we've seen each other. Hopefully we can get together sometime soon.
Boy, that was quite the ordeal, but she is beautiful! Congrats again! Four seems like a lot, I'm nervous. Pass along any tips you have.
She is beautiful!!! Welcome little Liberty!!!!
Congratulations Sarah! What a trooper. Such an amazing story. I swear babies just can't come easy- there's always a "story" one way or another be it pregnancy or delivery! I am so happy for you and your family and that all went well. Enjoy this special time! Miss you guys,
Congratulations! I so enjoyed the
write up of the special events, happy to see you are all doing great!
Congratulations! She is a good looking baby. We are so happy she made it safely. We love & miss you all.
Love, The Tollefson's
my goodness!!! congrats you guys!! She is absolutley a beaming little spirit straight from heaven. I can believe the doctor said that if he knew it was coming that fast he would have ran....YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN RUNNING! lol...I love that name! So different and sweet! I hope all is well and call me if you need ANYTHING!
Alright, so I am finally home and able to catch up on the blogging world... Congratulations! She is adorable. We have a lot of Birthday's in December in my family, and I would have to agree that having a New Year's birthday is MUCH better than a Christmas one!!
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